rasmussen -The Pied Piper of Europe

Only with a reference from the mind of a fruit fly could NATO claim “long-standing ” ties with Ukraine.  rasmussen the Führer of NATO apparently has such a mind as he makes the bombastic claims as the unelected leader of western forces visited Kiev and received a medal from poroshenko for his help in covering up the Juntas war crimes.


Previously rasmussen had expanded the  NATO mission to include his self appointed arbitration of democratic elections, which  coming from someone who himself is totally beyond the bounds of democracy, is the height of cynicism. 
Since before an investigation even began into MH17, rasmussen and his ilk rolled out a complex and pre-planned media blitz complete with a miraculous conclusion which some would conclude as a far fetched conspiracy theory or attribute to  clairvoyance, however it would suggest a far more sinister reason; a false flag operation in order to cast Putin as the devil incarnate.
The NATO interference into the MH17 investigation is observed by rasmussens constant repetition of guilt assigned to President Putin without the burden of having to produce even a shred of credible evidence.
  The case of the mysterious Buk anti-aircraft surface to air radar missle system (four components- each one mounted on a large truck) and the technicians to operate it moving from Russia to Ukraine and back again at breakneck speed and stealth sounds like something from a sci-fi comic book and  is at best implausible.
Meant to produce momentum for European support of  sanctions this NATO  fortuitous (“game changer”) a tragedy to humanity #MH17 seems to have produced a herd mentality. (lemmings) Even the Neutral State of Switzerland changed course.
Occupied Germany the monetary HQ of the EU has been ordered by the cabal  to keep up pressure on reluctant EU member states after reminding the Swiss that their franc has been pegged to the Euro since 2011.  rasmussen deserves a medal?- yes, one for being the Pied Piper of the European Ratsunion as they sally forth behind his skillful  flute playing for their march to destiny. 


Europe escaped the yoke of fascism in the 1940s only to see it reemerge unchallenged 70 years later.  NATO is the fascist military organization that was hitlers dream with a power to make myths from thin air. 


The Summer of 1964 Gulf of Tonkin

We look back on The Gulf of Tonkin


Incident that occured fifty years ago and the provocative covert acts against North Viet Nam by the US Navy, CIA, US Army, NSA et al- and local forces under the command of the US installed  Saigon government.
Ultimately as the years of war ground on replete with body counts, medals and corporate profits there  ensued  millions of people who were killed  and generations of both Vietnamese and western forces including  their  descendants adversely effected from exposure to  chemical warfare-Monsanto “agent orange”, depleted uranium and atrocities. 
The Viet Nam war demoralized and shattered  the US nation; historians seldom view it as anything other than a defeat and collosal blunder.
  Fifty years later there is once again howling and yapping from people (who’s own children will stay safely out of  any militarily intervention) in another civil war  -Ukraine. Once again there is yet another incident which perhaps decades from now the true story of will be revealed.  #MH17


Evidence to support the claims made by potus was  non-existent on the night of August 4 1964, when Lyndon Johnson broadcast the administrations version and conclusions to the American public.
Messages recorded that day indicate that rather than the MSM version of the event being true President Johnson and Secretary McNamara engaged in pushing a story that was later shown to be false, and misleading. 


Conclusions based on fabrications and recanted reports were the order of the day. 
  The “free press” rather than inquire  for authenticated evidence eagerly spread the dis-information. Time, Life and Newsweek, ran articles throughout August 1964 on the Tonkin Gulf incident.
Time reported:”Through the darkness, from the west and south…intruders boldly sped…at least six of them… they opened fire on the destroyers with automatic weapons, this time from as close as 2,000 yards.”
The use of the Tonkin Gulf  tale served as a pretext for escalation and military intervention of U.S. in Viet Nam.


Public threats against North Vietnam, as well as calls from politicians in favor of “bombing them into the stone age” began concurrently with a media blitz to convince the public for their support.
North Vietnamese General Giap stated  that the US actions were done to “to provoke North Viet Nam” which was immediately dismissed as “communist propaganda”.
Actually the #US defense strategists had been planning provocative actions against North Vietnam for some time. George Ball told a British journalist after the war that
“at that time…many people…were looking for any excuse to initiate bombing”.
Raymond McGovern, a retired CIA officer,is quoted as saying :  “President Lyndon Johnson, Defense Secretary Robert McNamara and National Security Adviser McGeorge Bundy all knew full well that the evidence of any armed attack on the evening of Aug. 4, 1964”.. (the so-called part two of the Tonkin Gulf incident) “was highly dubious”.
Apparently months prior to Aug.  President Johnson with the Joint Chiefs of Staff had conspired and planned for war in Vietnam.

The USS Maddox, on 28 July 1964 was dispatched for patrol duty off the coast of Viet Nam. Opeating as  an electronic signals gathering ship its mission in addition to provocation and probing General Giaps defenses was to sail within the territorial waters of Viet  Nam purportedly within 8 miles of the coastline.

Fifty years have passed since the US was mislead into a disastrous war that divided one country and destroyed another.
  Now once again we see history on the verge of repeating itself. While the advent of the internet has come since then ,  this seems to allow for flimsy “evidence” to serve as a pretext -“In the posts of two or three tweets shall every bogus  word of Harf be established. ”



Explaining  the US support for the lebensraum doctrine of using genocide and Nazis modern day reformulation in Ukraine.

Requires an in depth study of history, and myths a  perspective not seen in text books.

Item one -the nazi 3rd Reich in Germany was for the most part viewed favorably by the US public of the 1930s in addition extensive busines industrial and banking were linked. Had operation Barabossa (launched by Hitler to conquor Russia 22 June 1941) succeeded it is doubtful that the US would have entered the war.
In fact, the Normandy invasion was not done to crush the nazis as much as it was launched to rescue them; and to insure that the Soviet forces did not occupy all of Europe.
The core conflict was capitalism ideaology vs Marxist ideaology.
Hitler launched a campaign based on lebensraum which was in many ways parallel to Americas westward expansion.  Using   genocide against the “inferior” race of indigenous people.  Hitlers regard as the Slavs being sub-human mimicked the same doctrines being promulgated against Native Americans and in Mein Kampf he shared those views.  Today many in the US are in the dark and kept there by lack of knowledge due to control mechanisms placed on the fascist western media by the ruling elite who have exposed themselves by their support of the fascist junta in Kiev.
Also in full view is the clear difference between zionism and Judaism, even as zionists continue to portray themselves as Jewish the stark differences are apparent, consider how zionists support the very groups which call for the genocide of Jews and yet still hide behind the fig leaf of Judaism to thwart critical analysis and condemnation.  How could a Jewish person possibly condone the hateful and malevolent ideaology of Stephan Bandera?

Statement by the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko that Crimea was, is and will be “Ukrainian land,” has caused a sharp reaction from the Jewish  professor Ilan Sade. Researcher in the field of computer science, known for his many years of struggle for the rights of Holocaust survivors, called the newspaper “Haaretz” statement Poroshenko “cry robbed Cossack” – an expression taken from the Hebrew proverb analogue thief shouting “stop thief!”
Professor Sade, the son of the Red Army soldier, a native of Volyn, whose entire family perished in the Holocaust, said that Ukraine remains one of the states  refusing to return Jewish property taken during the Second World War. “The argument against the return of the same -” Ukrainian land, “- he writes. – That Jews had built most of the settlements in Volhynia and some of them were the majority. In Rivne, Lviv, Lutsk and other Jewish influence was very strong; Jewish communities have done much for the development of their economic and cultural life. ”
After the annexation of Western Ukraine to the USSR as a result of the Molotov-Ribbentrop began expropriating Jewish property, recalls the author, whose family also did not escape confiscation. Since the beginning of the war the same physical extermination of the Jews by the Germans with the active participation of Ukrainians who, not without pleasure robbed of their good neighbors, occupying their houses and apartments.
“I returned to Ukraine during Yushchenko’s presidency – says professor. – I was surprised to find in the archives Exactly all documentation about the trial of” capitalists “of the number of my family with a detailed description of the process of alienation and seizure of their property – as in Soviet times, so and during the Nazi occupation. Armed with these documents, I contacted the local authorities and President Yushchenko, demanding the return of the property. answer was simple: the communist regime was gone, and with it the need to forget all of his decisions. ”
In conclusion, the author sadly notes that the government in Tel Aviv has done absolutely nothing towards the restitution of property taken from Ukrainian Jews. According to Sade, the government of the Jewish state de facto entered in “Rogue collusion” with the Ukrainian authorities.


Naziism was not eradicated from the earth after the Great Patriotic War but rather it relocated in large measure to North America infesting;  often times posing  as benevolent Jewish groups such as aipac  which have now been unmasked for all the world to see as zionist supporters of Nazi. 
Nazi military armies  has been hatched  under the banner of NATO which ostensibly is a defensive organization; however the reality of that is known to be untrue. NATO THE BEAST WITHIN




While americans and europeans are for the most part unaware of the heinous and unforgivable mass murder and torture of over 100 mostly young people in their teenage and twenty somethings that happened on 2 May 2014 in Odessa, Novorossia; nonetheless those who planned and executed this crime against humanity did so with the complicity and support of the United States Government, European Union, HATO and the junta regime.
It is said that history is written by the “winners” so in a desperate attempt to conceal their murderous guilt the debauched morally bankrupt western leaders in a state of panic have done everything within their power to stem and stop their sociopathic demented involvement.  merkel ashton obama cameron and a host of others have conspired to hide and rewrite the hideous truths that are emerging from the scene of Europes largest mass murder since the time of hitler.
The mainstream press is forbidden from any real or meaningful investigation of the facts and circumstances because to do so would implicate the entire political establishments of their respective countries. The law enforcement agencies whos jurisdiction this crime(s) took place in are themselves guilty. The impotent interpol who is much more fond of coddling takfiris enroute to Syria and hassling journalists has no jurisdiction or will to investigate.
The only entity which is seeking justice for those killed is the Russian Foreign Ministrys Office which has released their White Paper documenting the crimes of the maidan coup d’ eat. A complete and thourough forensic investigation is by now not possible. However at Nuremberg convictions were obtained on less evidence than what is documented now.
The impetus and rush to the cloud of war reverberating through the halls and cloakrooms of western  political power is as much an attempt by the western criminals to escape justice and their own personal and criminal culpability than any of their delusional rants concerning Russophobia.
Lets have a war rewrite history and conceal the innocent blood that cries to the heavens for justice is their mantra.

The first thing that comes to mind when one considers slavery for a majority of amerikkans  is scenes of black men toiling in fields. (the physical slavery of body) The less likely association when considering slavery is the visualization of a mind with thoughts held captive as though chained and held in strict conformity; a type of slavery rarely perceived and yet mental slavery is far more a peril.
Imagine for a moment that everything that exists was first a thought. The manifestation of all creation first a thought.
Dreams are synaptic travelers through the regions of your mind. Dreams are free.
When Dr. Martin L. King proclaimed “I have a dream” he was promptly shot down. Why? Within the realm of thought lies the embryo of creation. I too share the dream that was bequeathed to me from the greatest American in my lifetime. Locked up in the Birmingham jail never was there a man so free. In my lifetime I have seen men rise up and get shot down “who more than self their country loved”. One sentence from a book written in 1990 sums up my core journalistic ethics-“you can help a whole country by reporting honestly”.
If that is true that reporting honestly is a benefit to a country that presumes itself to be a child of free speech than the converse must also be true that dishonest reporting is harmful to your country and future generations.  As we witness journalism in amerikka  being chained into the bondage of “mental slavery” via the controlled mass media free lance journalism may be the only credible way of finding the truth.
@narwhal8915 #JS





The so called “north american treaty organization ” has been exposed as being without any control mechanisms of a society or people. In countries which furnish the troops and money to pay for a beast with no control let us examine the complete lack of support for the hostile belligerent and provocative actions taken by hato.
In Aug 2013 when over 80% of the american people said NO to a bombing campaign against Syria-hato went ahead with the plans ordering potus and the puppets in the state department to go to the airwaves and “sell this war”. Off they trotted as though the packaging for war is the same as selling detergent. The people could sense the lies and false flag (Aug.  21 Ghouta, Syria)   information and said NO and yet hato had deaf ears. Fast forward to May 2014  Polls conducted in Germany indicate

“German citizens overwhelmingly support Russias position with regards to Crimea,Sevastopol and Ukraine and yet like the americans before have no voice or say so as to where or why their children are sent to die or where or how their tax dollars are spent.”

The illusion that hato is a “defensive organization” under the control of the “democracys” of member states has no basis.


hato conversly is an organization which does not answer to or respect the will of the people. The agressive and provocative actions taken by hato against nations which do not have a rothschild central bank suggest that this beast (hato) is the military wing of a criminal banking cabal which is being used in a pattern of robbery and self enrichment for the benefit of their participating zionist elite in their delusional quest for absolute control and enslavement of mankind.
hato is the beast that serves only the interests of its master-satan and his earthly represenatives. hato is a murderous and dammed organization which will be destroyed one way or the other.




Recently a statement from samantha powers seen here accosting (Pro-Russian) Vitaly Churkin


attempted to support the reprehensible criminal involvement of their newly installed nazi regime culpability and de-facto  participation in a gruesome and heinous crime against all humanity .  Odessa 2_MAY_2014_ 
A day that has caused more tears than stars in the heavens. The tears of all who have gone on before us who gallantly sacrificed their all for their children’s future of a world that has no place for state sponsored genocide.  The ugliness and brutality that took place on that day and in that place was “remarkable restraint” only in the mind of a nazi sociopath as in sammis/cari.


Years ago I can recall a criminal case when the defense attorney defended his client by illustrating that his defendant had shown “remarkable restraint” which had consisted in the fact that although he had murdered his family the gun he had used still had one bullet left in it . When asked to explain why was this “remarkable restraint” the fiery attorney snapped back “because although he wanted to shoot himself also ,  he didn’t”. #USELESS_RHETORIC




Currently in Ukraine; history is being made and we have no right to stand aside and be passive spectators with  popcorn in the first row. That’s why I’m with her, do not pretend to be fully objective, the parties will familiarize you with what is happening in the field of information confrontation between the Russian Federation and its opponents in the international arena, that is mainly the so-called Western countries.



Start with small portions of flattering words concerning article Musa Gamzatova Territorial defence in modern conditions”, published in “Independent military review” № 10 for 21-27 March 2014.
The author wisely and reasonably, with examples from history and contemporary realities informs the reader is very simple, in fact, the idea that the essence of the war in recent years has changed dramatically. All right, all right. But not a word about the fact that, in addition to military sabotage on the territory of the country, will take place and the information sabotage, and will sharply increase pressure information as to their own troops and the population, and on the enemy.
The conclusions of the article, in my opinion, it is necessary to add also the thesis that, in addition to a good weapons, equipment and outfit, for the successful conduct of the wars of the new generation of Russian Armed forces is vital to have a high quality, comprehensive and continuous, sustainable and inclusive information support.


But there is one nuance. If a soldier can dress, shoes, arm, and in a short time to train to the point of automation to fight in the conditions of a critical situation, he was not taken aback and did the only right way, that in regard to information counter, so will not work.
But ideological motivation is as important as quality equipment. But in the ideology will not put on shoes, it will not hang on to “unload”. Qualitatively to counter the disinformation in advance to reveal his purpose and plan may only well-trained specialist is someone who always keeps abreast of events and reacts instantly to them.
If this is not constantly engaged on a proper level, then again it will, as in the initial period of the great Patriotic war, when moving forward just a record pace Germans who feel their ideological and, to be honest, racial superiority, fell leaflets with the ridiculous calls for them to stop, because here, they say, the country of workers and peasants. “Oh, great,” he thought, probably in response to such calls invaders: “We just need workers and peasants to serve them!”


We already live in a new, digital and information of the XXI century. It is time for everyone to bear in mind that the further developing human society, the more it depends on the information. In modern warfare is not necessary to speak cannons. Today, instead of them quite successfully speak social network, the various media and Internet.


In this respect, note on Turkey, where on 21 March 2014 at the state level was taken a decision about blocking Twitter, and then and video hosting YouTube. Due to a leaked recorded conversation of high govt. officials_an excert
_ ELECTION DRIVEN WAR PLANS – I PART 1 Ahmet Davutoğlu: “Prime Minister said that in current conjuncture, this attack (on Suleiman Shah Tomb) must be seen as an opportunity for us.”

Hakan Fidan: “I’ll send 4 men from Syria, if that’s what it takes. I’ll make up a cause of war by ordering a missile attack on Turkey; we can also prepare an attack on Suleiman Shah Tomb if necessary.”

Feridun Sinirlioğlu: “Our national security has become a common, cheap domestic policy outfit.”

Yaşar Güler: “It’s a direct cause of war. I mean, what’re going to do is a direct cause of war.”

SANA_eng. article

What a strong reaction this decision immediately provoked.

But let us return to the events in Ukraine. After March 13, arrived with a “working visit” group of forces psychological operations (PSYOPS) of the U.S. armed forces, the country found itself in an information blockade. Let me remind some famous episodes, well-publicized: ECM (electronic countermeasures) was stopped rebroadcasting some Russian satellite TV channels, was completely blocked the entrance to the mainland for Russian journalists produced power seizure disliked the new government to local media, is wiretapping of all international telephone calls and even is shameless and not stand any criticism ” scheduling in a conversation with Russian journalists at the time of their release to air.
One of the best examples of reporting of own correspondent of “Vesti FM” Vladimir Sinelnikov from Kiev.
During its outputs broadcast is heard repeatedly clicks, any switch, tones, and other irregularities. In the midst Kaidanovsky events, when the American curators still was not personally present on the territory of Ukraine, communications were  interrupted by the employees of the Ukrainian security service by means of  blocking  SIM cards. Now, however, no interference, no, what I am concerned. Apparently, American experts came not with empty hands and caught the journalist on zhivtsa, trying to trace the call and send to the home address  a gang of new national guard, so that they have done their dirty jobs for them to neutralize the objectionable journalist, objective reporting of events. This is now a La Gestapo on the new, high-tech level.
On March 22, 2014 at the radio station “Echo of Moscow” in the evening transfer from the mouth of Yulia Latynina sounded comparison of Vladimir Putin with Hitler.
The comparison was based on out-of-context phrases of that speech, which Vladimir Putin said on 18 March 2014. It might seem strange, naive, terrible, amateurish, disgusting, if not one “but”. Precisely such a “but” a lot. For example, the day before, on March 21, 2014, on the website of the Estonian newspaper Postimees – the biggest newspaper in the country – the article appeared with the exact same content. In this article, in addition to the comparative tables with quotations, and was posted a photo collage, designed to reinforce the visual image of that his actions and speeches
(President V. Putin)  and hitler are the same. On the same day there were numerous “census” in social networks. Shortly before that, on 6 March 2014, the republican senator of the US   #mccain and  #clinton in various interviews made on tv  compared
Putin to  hitler.

Coincidence? Don’t be so naive.


If you look at how information is filed in Ukraine, it is clear – the patient is rather dead than alive. After all, just about dead people talk only good. But exactly exclusively on the positive side, there is a coverage of the events within the country. Excesses nationalists served as provocation of the Russian security services in economic hardship to blame Russia. In rampant corruption guess who blame. The collapse of the army? The answer is obvious. But the new-old Ukrainian authorities entirely knights on white horses, support for his people, promise the abolition of visas, freedom, justice and other threat. For example, promise to make Ukraine a European country. If somebody has forgotten, then take a look at a map – Ukraine is and so almost in the center of Europe. All actors promising a “European integration” and all the best for the people, were already in power. And what where the results of their work? Everything is new, as is known, the well-forgotten old.

In the current situation surprising is the position taken by the Western countries in the UN Security Council. I recommend anyone interested to get acquainted with the record of the meeting of the UN security Council of 19 March 2014. Very useful. For example, the permanent representative of Ukraine to the UN Yuriy Sergeyev, in early March, already famous for the fact that acquitted of Ukrainian nationalists-Bandera, saying that represented the USSR at the Nuremberg trials of the charges against them were allegedly rigged this time and had come to the point that, in his opinion, “the nuclear status of Russia as particularly dangerous for the territorial integrity and independence of Ukraine, as well as for international peace and security in the whole world community”. Like that. No more, no less.
Moreover, U.S. permanent representative to the UN Samantha Power, implying the reunification of the Crimea with Russia, moved to any criminal vocabulary, comparing our country with a thief: “the thief can steal thing, but it does not mean that he has the right to possess it”. The phrase is good, but applicable only yet to all actions the United States and its allies in the international arena over the last two decades.








It should be emphasized that at the meeting of absolutely all countries spoke against the actions of the Russian Federation, partially or completely ignoring the notorious lack of freedom of speech in Ukraine and its full of information isolation. And what about Western standards, freedom of expression and equal access to information that


are imposed on Russia? Whether in regard to mention that on March 18, 2014 broadcasting of the Russia Today TV channel was temporarily blocked by YouTube, which is owned by Google an NSA subsidiary.

By the way, according to the norms of Russian language, correct to speak not “in Ukraine”and “Ukraine”. No need to go on about the imposed by the Western ideologists or “Ukrainian patriots”, with probably some point in this regard, politically correct of courtesy.
There are rules of the Russian language to follow. If the “Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language” says that “Tallinn” is written with one “n”, then the way it is. Ukraine still easier. For Kievan Rus and later to the Russian Empire the Eastern lands of the Commonwealth were on the Western edge of the political map, edge or border area.
Therefore, to walk, to travel, to swim or fly only “on the edge” or “at the border”, and not “at the edge”. Say we “Cuba”, “in the Philippines”, and no reason of Cubans or Filipinos not offended. I do not think that for the sake of momentary benefit politically correct is to distort the native language. Linguistic security is also, incidentally, part of information confrontation. And part of the very considerable and important indeed.

Will help in this regard, to quote the book “the well-formedness of Russian speech” Groudine L.K., Itskovich, VA and Katlinsky L.P., published in 2001: “In 1993 on request of the government of Ukraine normative one has to admit options in Ukraine (and, respectively, from Ukraine). Thus, according to the Government of Ukraine, exploded not acceptable to its etymological connection designs on Ukraine and on the outskirts. Ukraine kinda got linguistic evidence of its status as a sovereign state, as the names of countries, not regions, are issued in the Russian tradition, with the help of prepositions in (in) and from…”.

The desire to push against Russia and Ukraine, to create war between two kindred peoples in some Western ideologists so great that sometimes it seems that the military aggression inevitable. However, there is hope for a sober head in Ukrainian politics who understand what is happening objective processes and really support the welfare of its own people, and not dancing to the tune of others, guided by personal interests. Where result greed and personal ambition, we have repeatedly seen on the Maidan.

Russia’s time to finally stop living on illusions that the West can be a friend.

Maximum – partner. China in this regard behaves much more appropriate. Informational confrontation, ideological war is a reality and objective reality.

“With the help of tanks, guns and planes can usurp authority over enemy territory, but not over the human mind.”


I wish those who are engaged in planning and development of military concepts, did not forget about the informational component.

It’s time to use the information weapon against its creators themselves and the main ideologists of its application. We need to beat the enemy with his own weapon, but to beat skillfully and on the spot!